Investment Status
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: May 7th, 2021
Min/Max: 10$ / 143 000$
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Instant
Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 23%
Added: Mar 25th, 2021
Monitored: 49 days
Lifetime: 81 days
Investment:  0.7% daily for 20 business days (principal back); 0.9% daily for 60 business days (principal back); 1.1% daily for 120 business days (principal back); 1.3% daily for 180 business days (principal back);
Investment Status is a modern but stable online business. The easiest way to explain to you the essence of our business is to ask a leading question - have you ever wondered where the sites you visit are stored? Where are the texts and pictures on this page loaded from, for example? Answer - Servers. Any website or service on the Internet is hosted on a server that is connected to the network around the clock and serviced by specialists. The modern world is impossible without high-speed information transfer. We make money on this - we rent our servers to large customers. Our unique developments allow us to squeeze the maximum capacity from each server - this provides us with a higher profitability. Before launching our own servers, we worked at the largest data centers for more than 5 years and put together a team of true professionals in their field. Our main asset is not hardware, anyone can buy it, servers are just a tool. Our main asset is our team and unique software development.
PerfectMoney Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin DashCoin BitcoinCash Yandex money Qiwi
Payout Ratio: 23%
Profit: $23.10 in 33 payouts
Investment: $100.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount Comment
Profit Apr 2nd, 2021 $0.70
Profit Apr 1st, 2021 $0.70
Profit Mar 31st, 2021 $0.70
Profit Mar 30th, 2021 $0.70
Profit Mar 29th, 2021 $0.70
Profit Mar 28th, 2021 $0.70
Profit Mar 27th, 2021 $0.70
Profit Mar 26th, 2021 $0.70
Spend Mar 25th, 2021 $100.00