Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: No Payouts
Min/Max: 10 / 100000
Referral: 7%, 2%, 1%
Withdrawal: Manual
Our Investment: $300.00
Payout Ratio: 0%
Added: Dec 19th, 2022
Monitored: 31 days
Lifetime: 84 days
Investment:  2.10% - 2.90% daily for 15+ days (Deposit returned)
Rezlet is an investment project that makes you earn crypto every day. To protect the safety of personal user data, Rezlet uses the up-to-date database protection methods. Moreover, applying cryptocurrency as a means of payment ensures the transparency of all transactions and their exceptional security. To ensure the stability of the system, mechanisms have been applied that detect suspicious and fraudulent transactions and prevent them. Existing solutions regarding automatic accrual of funds and their withdrawal have been honed to perfection and serve as one of the pillars for achieving the goals of the project.
Tether ePayCore

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